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Hi 👋, I am Vedabahu

I am Rutwik.S. I use the name Vedabahu online as it simpler to pronounce and use in general.

I am a student from India, studying First Year, Computer Science at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Dharwad. I am

  • I am currently exploring and learning newer concepts and I am training regularly.

  • I am focusing on DSAI Concepts and slowly mastering them.

  • I know a few languages like C, C++, Python

  • Some other technologies that I know includes LaTeX, git. github, linux (I use Arch btw)

You can checkout my projcets at the projcets page

I also occasionally write blogs.

You can checkout my github profile here.

If you want to contact me, you can reach out using one of these methods:

  1. 📩 G-Mail